Small groups and Company Solos/Duets/Trios 2025

2024-25 Small Group Casting/Rehearsal Information:

Junior Musical Theater Small Group “Bathing Beauties” will rehearse Saturday 9:15-9:45am-WBL

Extra Rehearsal 1/20 2:30-4:00pm WBL

PreTeen Musical Theater Small Group “Friend Like Me” will rehearse Saturday 3:45-4:15pm-WBL

Extra Rehearsal 1/20 2:30-4:00pm WBL

Teen Tap Small Group “Brand New” will rehearse Saturday 1:00-1:30pm-WBL

Extra Rehearsal 1/20 10:00-11:30am WBL

Company Solo/Duet/Trios:

All Solo, Duet and Trio Invitations are listed in your dancer’s 2025 Company Invitation.

Please note to accept a Solo, Duet, Trio, or Small Group a dancer must participate in Production, Leaps & Turns and Acro.

The initial private package includes 6 hours of privates.

Private time slots are in your dancer’s invitation. Times will be reviewed during registration and confirmed once everyone has registered. Your choreographer will contact you about their song selection/piece ideas in the weeks following registration.

All private lessons will start the week of September 22nd, unless you receive different communication from your choreographer after company registration is complete. There are additional weeks that there will not be any privates due to studio closings and studio events. All privates will be held on all remaining weeks up to the holidays, unless specifically communicated by a choreographer. All privates will be held in January through the Mandatory Solo, Duet, Trio showing at WBDC on Saturday/Sunday, January 11 & 12th/Friday, January 17th. Specific Schedule will be available in November 2024. WBDC will then determine the private schedule through the competition season (including Nationals, both full company and optional) based on the individual needs of each piece and it will be emailed to your family after the Solo, Duet, Trio Showing. The remaining payment for lessons will be arranged at this time. All scheduled privates will be posted in WBDC/DSP calendar after Company Registration is complete.

The 6-hour initial private package payment plan will be confirmed at registration. After the 6 hours is complete, all additional private lessons must be paid in full BEFORE the lesson occurs at the rate of $25/half hour. There will be no exceptions. All payments go through the front desk of WBDC.

Dancers must cancel privates by 9:00am each day to to not be charged for a lesson.

Costuming for Company Solo, Duet, and Trios:

All dancers accepting Solo, Duet or Trio invitations may select one of the following options on their company registration.

A) All Inclusive Costuming: WBDC will work with solo, duets, and trios and their choreographers in the design/creation/alteration/embellishment (rhinestones if needed)/purchase of the costumes. We work with all choreographers for their visions, as well as, the dancer’s wishes to create the perfect look. WBDC is proud to be able to achieve a high, award-winning standard of costuming at the base costume allowance built into your financial package.

B) All Inclusive, but family rhinestones: This is for the families who have someone that enjoys rhinestoning if applicable to the costume. The costume is completed for you, rhinestone design is started and then sent home with additional rhinestones/glue for a family member to complete.

C) WBDC only gives approval: Family is responsible to work with choreographer to complete their vision and will order, fit and complete costume in it’s entirety without WBDC assistance other than approval. Design must be submitted by 10/15/24 for approval. 100% Completed costume must be show by 2/8/25 for approval. Dancers can not wear costumes that have not met WBDC approval deadlines. For duet/trios all dancers must elect this option if interested, not a combination of A/B and C. WBDC is happy to sell rhinestones to a family, but WBDC seamstresses or ordering assistance/resources is not available if this option is elected.

Please see Company Invitations for pricing that goes with choices A, B and C and selections will be made on your dancer’s company online registration.

WBDC Student Rehearsal Time:

Families will be able to book online through DSP to utilize WBDC for student rehearsal. Dancers participating in Company Solo/Duet/Trios are expected to practice at least once a week before returning to rehearsal with their choreographer/instructor. Regulations surrounding these rehearsal times, online booking directions, cancelation policy, how to use the door lockbox/get a link to the app and group rehearsals are listed in great detail in the waiver that must be signed online by all families. Where is this waiver? In your families DSP account. Please SIGN THE WAIVER BEFORE COMPLETING YOUR DANCER’S COMPANY ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM! After company registration is complete we will begin the process of sending information for doorlock access for the 2024-25 season.

We are planning to continue this offering for free to our families, but with very clear expectations. If expectations are not met, we have plans in place to change to studio rental fees and as a final choice-cancel this offering. The ability to practice in a studio space is such a benefit to our dancers that we sincerely hope that all guidelines will be followed so we can continue this offering complimentary to our dancers.

Dancers are welcome to rehearse duets, trios and small groups WITHIN a booked time. 1 dancer can book the time slot and then ALL names must be included on sign-in/out paperwork. Solos are NOT a group activity and should be rehearsed independently. Full companies that want to rehearse together or groupings other than listed above must be pre-arranged by Jenny or Katie. Every once and awhile a group or two of dancers would use student rehearsal time as a “hang out” and this isn’t how these rehearsal times should be used. Space is at a premium and sometimes the “hang out” mentality is disruptive or rude to others. Please be respectful of others time/rehearsal and the space.

Student Rehearsal times are released in blocks and we will always send out emails when we open new availability. Sometimes the studio is closed for special events, staff needs and bi-weekly for our regular cleanings, plus all of our classes and lessons. If you do not see availability, then there isn’t any.

Please remember this is FREE and we are not obligated to give anyone space. We feel the benefits are worth it and the majority of dancers are very thankful and use their time wisely. The needs of our programs, staff, facility and outside paying groups renting our space take precedence over FREE student rehearsal space.

Please do no use the lockbox access to let your dancer into either WBDC location before WBDC operating hours if they don’t have studio rehearsal space booked or a booked lesson with an instructor/choreographer. WBDC is not available for dancer’s to just “hang out” when it is not general business hours, meaning the front desk is not open. Please see WBDC homepage for current operating hours!


All Small Groups, Solos, Duets and Trios will compete at 4 regionals and 1 Nationals. We will not know the exact schedule until the week before the competitions.

Masquerade March 21st-23rd at the Ames Center Burnsville, MN.

Celebration Talent Competition April 11th-13th at the DECC in Duluth, MN.

Leap Competition May 2nd-4th at Roy Wilkins Auditorium St. Paul, MN.

Bravo Dance & Talent Competition May 16th-18th at Shakopee High School PAC.

Celebration Nationals Competition June 24th-29th at the DECC in Duluth, MN.

Optional Regional Competitions:

Energy Dance Competition February 28th-March 2nd at Chanhassen High School in Channhassen, MN.

Energy Solo Entry $172, Duet/Trio Entry (per person) $105, Group Entry $93 (per person)

Act 1 Talent Competition March 14th-16th at Lakeville North High School.

Act 1 Solo Entry $188, Duet/Trio Entry (per person) $112, Group Entry $95 (per person)

Registration is on your Dancer’s Company Registration Link and the entry fees will be added to your Dancer Package.

If not all dancers select a small group, duet or trio, we will notify dancers involved and that piece will not compete. Since it is an optional event and so early in the season, we will not be re-blocking any pieces with the exception of some of the older more advanced groups who have more experience.

Optional Nationals Competition:

*Optional Second Nationals* Bravo Best In The Midwest Summer Bash July 7th-July 13th at the Stephens Auditorium in Ames, IA.

Bravo Nationals Solo Entry $175, Duet/Trio Entry (per person) $110, Group Entry $160 (per person)

With this Optional Second Nationals, we plan to do a lot of re-blocking and trying to get anyone who wants to go an opportunity to go. However, there will still be some pieces that we just can not re-block for a variety of reasons and we will communicate that to the involved families.