WBDC Assistant Program Application 2025-26 Season
We are so excited that you are interested in becoming a WBDC assistant! This a fantastic opportunity which is very rewarding, but it is a huge responsibility.
How to apply? Fill out and submit the form below by Saturday June 14th, 2025. A follow-up in person chat will be completed with WBDC staff during July Intensive 7/21-7/25.
Do you need to submit a form if you were an assistant for the 2024-25 season? YES! Things change! We want to make sure that your interests and experiences are current!
Criteria for applying to be a WBDC Assistant or Junior Assistant:
Must be 12 years old by September 1st, 2025 and auditioning to be part of PreTeen, Teen or Senior Company for the 2025-26 season. (If you are really CLOSE to age 12 on 9/1/24, ask Katie or Jenny and we can confirm if you should apply!)
Must LOVE working with younger kids, must LOVE dance, must be eager to learn/take corrections/be motivated to constantly strive to improve in the assistant role!
Must be sure that the application is filled out by the DANCER and not a PARENT. This is the dancer’s responsibility, not a parent’s responsibility.
Must understand if they are selected to be a WBDC assistant or Junior Assistant and can not make a class (sickness, school activity, vacation) the DANCER (not a parent) must work with other Assistants to find a sub. More information and communication information/guidelines are defined at the kick off 2025-26 assistant meeting. Time/Date available August 12th, 2025.
Must understand that a WBDC Assistant or Junior Assistant follows the weekly class schedule, picture schedule, dress rehearsal schedule and recital schedule of their class.
Must understand that learning/retaining class choreography, including changes and corrections, is expected.
Must understand that even if the applicant is an amazing person and an amazing dancer, there may just not be an opportunity in the 2025-26 season. Assistants/Junior Assistants are cast/assigned based on so many variables, including age, experience, seniority, personality (what is best for a specific class), scheduling, technique ability for demonstration and so much more!
Must understand that even if an assistant opportunity was available in 2024-25 season, things change and there may not be an opportunity or the same amount of opportunities in a new season.
Must understand that if unable to fulfill the role of WBDC Assistant or Junior Assistant at anytime through out the year, they will be replaced.
Criteria for applying to be a WBDC Company Assistant:
Must understand/fulfill all criteria for a WBDC Assistant
Must understand that they will follow the full extra rehearsals and all competition schedules of their class.
Must understand that they represent WBDC staff at all events/competitions and must present themselves in a professional manner.
Assistant roles of all kinds will be included in Audition Email for the 2025-26 season on 8/12/25.